Not many coffee lovers know that the coffee they drink comes from a coffee fruit called a coffee cherry. It got its name as it looks red like a cherry. The coffee beans are nothing but the two green seeds from this coffee cherry that are made to prepare your morning coffee. Read this short article to understand what exactly a coffee cherry is.

• Understand the coffee plant: Coffee trees can go up to thirty feet, but for easy harvesting, producers prune and stump the plants. These smaller trees offer not only a better yield but also need less space. The waxy leaves grow in pairs while the coffee cherries grow in the branches. It takes around four years for a tree to produce fruits.
• Layers of coffee cherry: The skin of the coffee cherry is known as exocarp. The inner layers contain sugar which helps the fermentation process. Inside the fruit, lie the coffee seeds which are called endosperm, also known as beans. There are two beans in cherry fruit. According to the experts at the best coffee shops Liverpool, coffee cherries with single and large beans are named Peaberries.
• Coffee cherries are edible: Being a fruit, the skin under the coffee berry is edible, and it provides a pleasing sweetness. Since the beans occupy more space, it isn't easy to squeeze to form a drink. The fruit does not taste like roasted coffee beans. By using a de-pulper, the beans are separated from the fruit flesh. The discarded skins are dried to become another product called Cascara. This is used to prepare the popular coffee cherry tea, served in places like a good coffee Liverpool bar and other coffee shops.
• Benefit of Coffee Cherries: As per studies, coffee cherries are rich sources of antioxidants. It fights against cell damage and reduces the chances to get diseases like diabetes, heart attack, etc. It is also good for brain health as it promotes the growth of neuronal cells.
It can be concluded here that coffee cherries are just the fruits from the coffee plant, containing skin, flesh, and coffee beans. People are not fond of eating these small and edible coffee fruits as they have less knowledge about them. If you love to eat these coffee cherries after reading this write-up, try cascara, which is nothing but a tea made out of dried coffee cherry skin. If not Cascara, don't forget to try your favorite coffee at Tella Balls, the best coffee shops in Liverpool.